Leading-edge technology, reliability and highest quality standards in automated test systems
Digitaltest makes it a priority to deliver high quality products and makes sure that that we are compliant with the most current standards. Certification proves to outsiders that we meet the highest Quality standards by continuously revising our Quality Management System and repeatedly ascertain risk assessment. We believe it is important to invest time for renewing our certifications regularly keep up to date with current regulations and requirements. We take pride in our work and certifications provide independent verification from outside experts.
ISO 9001:2015
The ISO 9001:2015 standard ensures the continuous improvement process in companies. Thus, ISO 9001:2015 can be the pathfinder to a practical, sustainable and modern management system.

ITAR - International Traffic in Arms Regulations
The "International Trade in Arms Regulations" (ITAR) is a US-American set of rules designed to control the trade in arms, military and defence equipment. The ITAR requires state control for all goods listed in the United States Munitions List (USML). The USML includes all primarily military goods, but also electronic components that are not intended to be used directly for military purposes.

IPC CFX Committee
With the release of IPC-2591, Connected Factory Exchange (CFX), the electronics industry now has an industry standard that allows them to implement Industry 4.0 and IoT quickly and easily into their manufacturing processes. This is the first standard to provide a true "plug-and-play" IoT communication environment throughout the manufacturing process, where all devices, manufacturing processes and transaction stations can communicate with each other without the need for special software.

The FED is an association with members in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Among its 700 members are designers and manufacturers of printed circuit boards, EMS and EDA companies, process and technology service providers as well as manufacturers of production equipment and software. The association supports its members in technical business processes and offers assistance in decision-making.

The GMM with approx. 9,500 members is the overarching professional association of VDE (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies) and VDI (Association of German Engineers). The aim of GMM is to promote scientific and technical development in the fields of microelectronics, microsystems, nano and precision engineering.

Hermes Standard Initiative
Digitaltest has joined the Hermes Standard Initiative. The Hermes Standard Initiative was officially launched on 22 March 2017, when 16 leading SMT equipment suppliers came together to discuss and approve the first version of the open protocol. Also published under IPC-HERMES-9852, the Hermes Standard is a non-proprietary open protocol based on TCP / IP and XML data.