In-circuit tester
Flying probe tester
General overview Test Systems
Creation, debugging and execution of test programs in one software
Link between CAD, test and repair
Improves the efficiency of the production process and product quality
Recovering design data of unknown printed circuit boards
Displays converted CAD data of electronic boards
General overview Software
We test your printed circuit boards for you.
We offer turnkey customer solutions. From test program development, fixture design to commissioning on site.
We can recover missing design data from your printed circuit board.
We check the testability of your printed circuit boards for you (DFT).
With our individual maintenance and support contracts we offer you fast and efficient support and continuous maintenance.
General overview Services
All function modules are plugged into our Universal Carrier Board (UCB) – with four slots available per carrier.
The UCBs can be plugged into any open slot of the Base System, to a maximum of 16.
Each of the following standard modules occupies one of the slots on the UCB.